Example B:
she continues, Example D:
Then sometime after that, the giggles started. And did not stop until she fell asleep that night. She ate dinner- with the giggles. It was good to hear her laugh but it was a bit disruptive. It took over her body. It was like she was drunk. She wasn't worth much good. I got her dressed for dance- with the giggles. As you see in the picture she could no longer stand straight due to the silliness.
Look how cute the leg warmers are. Bay's best friend Jordyn gave those to her. So, I took her to dance and she giggled while putting her ballet shoes on and I nervously watched her go into her class. Mrs. Connie, I am so sorry for her behavior. Even the other moms in the waiting room noticed she was extra giggly. I guess she did okay in class. No complaints. and she got a sucker and a sticker. I thought she might have burned some energy and giggles off after dance. Nope. She giggled on the ride home and then Daddy noticed the problem when we got home. What the heck did I feed her? It reminded me of my Grandmother when she use to ask me, "Do you have fever with those spells?" maybe I acted the same way when I was little. Oh....Bay(with a sigh). Maybe I will figure her out one day( probably not). At least she made me smile and not cry that day.